the thresholds which firstly vibrate of “unknown”, they are now spots for power-charging

maximum elongation will become possible at anytime wanted/needed

awkwardness is transformed into confidence

there will appear: extravagant hats (top of my head), colorful nailpolish (top of my hands and top of my feet), walks on adventurous paths (ankles and foot soles), any writing as the most honest poetry (fingers and wrists), no need for belts (waist).

good working digestion

pure enjoyment of essential and energetic meals

clear visualisation of breath running through the body and ability of controlling it

clear visualization of the limits and ability of discernment of pushing decision / quitting decision

understanding of intuition, possibility of transforming it into clear communication

1. For activating hips area. Use soft knees, feel the weight of your body by moving it from one leg to another, then concentrate on the liminal area, for me it was my right buttock. Move your hip from side to side, backward and forward using round movement. Visualize that you have a long spine and you’re touching different surfaces with your hips and butt. Do everything slowly and mindfully, concentrate on your liminal area.

2. For activating shoulders area. Imagine that there is a little ball which is rolling through your shoulders, let them go down, move them a little in a different ways, up and down, backward and forward, stretch your neck and head, spread your shoulders and back widely. Move you hands in a seaweed motion. Imagine that you are underwater and let the water go to wash every cell in your body. At the same time keep softening your upper body, keep legs soft too. Imagine that melting feeling in your body and try to relax. Keep moving further how you want to.

3. For activating knee area. Use a ball image and move your knees in a round way, also when you feel that you are already warmed up, try to stand on one leg and try to lift one leg up, initiate movement from the knee, inwards and outwards, bend and straight your knee. Also try to bend your standing leg, feel the softness in your legs and body, trust your body, concentrate on your liminal area, try to leave your comfort zone, stretch your moving leg, do some arabesque and feel that endless flow which never stops. Imagine that you’re standing on the tall hill, and just waters and seas surrounds you, feel that freedom. Don’t stop breathing, don’t be afraid to fall. Slowly came back to both legs, then change and do the same things to another leg.

4. Instruction for softening pelvis area. Feel a little movement happening in your body, don’t show it too much, move your ribs and lower body in that round motion, try to breathe deeply, by inhaling through count 3 and exhaling trough count 6 to your pelvis area. Repeat this twice. Imagine that you’ re like that seaweed we talked earlier, light and soft. Keep moving like that for a while.

5. Arms and legs. Open your eyes widely, try to see a place which surrounds you, then concentrate on your arms and legs, scan them. Start from one hand, take a better look to it, try to bend and stretch the arms, do little movements, then do wide movements, change your hands, then move both at the same time. Then go to your legs, try to move them in a narrow way and then move widely. Move both arms and legs widely. Imagine that you’re growing up, and try to feel that sense of freedom by releasing all tension in your arms and legs. Imagine that you’re so light, you have a long neck, you are looking from a tall hill to the most beautiful nature landscapes in the world you have ever seen, be inspired, keep growing up like a tree grows, move from that beauty which inspires you. After moving like that for a while, end by moving with the feel of the stretch in your body.
Saulė Noreikaitė · Sara Björg. Guide to the Gut
Access your Gutfeeling
Access your Intuition
Affect your Digestion

Access Repressed thoughts

Access Roots of anxiety

Access Roots of comfort

Core feeling of self

Clearity and resolution

Feeling of being grounded

Take the next steps with conviction