The moment of waking up, opening my eyes, coming from dream state to awake-conscious state. Becoming aware of surrounding sounds, light, colors, smells, textures. From being calm and relaxed in the body - to bringing awareness to physicality of my existence.

Getting dressed up many layers, putting on a mask, to leave my private space, home. Knowing I might meet neighbours, asking for interaction. Knowing I will be in not my private, maybe not such a safe environment. Different temperature, smells, sounds, colors, light, rules. From private to public space.

Transparent glass, but constantly giving information, about the weather changes, about what’s happening in the yard, the neighbours passing, chatting, deliveries coming. Some information coming from outside into my private space, not only light, but much more

When walking in the street, minding my own business, walking the puppy, talking to her, playing with her, strangers telling me for no reason either how I should raise my puppy, or that she is a very beautiful puppy, and then after saying these words, they look directly at me and wait for my response. I feel that I need to respond, even though I don’t want to, I feel that with these words, these strangers are entering my private space, disrupting my routine, disrupting what I am up to.

Sometimes it’s about meeting a deadline, sometimes it’s using the time when puppy is asleep to work on things and concentrate, but I feel that time is a boundary that controls me. Where it limits me to do things in the ways that I wanted to. It can feel very limiting even when there is no deadline. Did you burn the cake in the oven? Well, that was also due to time’s fault.

A very fragile boundary of a human body. I am made aware of it, when it gets touched by my puppy’s teeth, when I can somehow injure it easily. It is very easy to break. Once it’s damaged, it makes me more aware of how physical my existence is, and where does my physical body end in the space.

Home - is a private space. It’s a safe space. One can feel safe at home, but now more than ever isolated as well. Spending so much time at home and it being basically the only indoor space where I spend a lot of time, I became very aware of it’s physical boundaries. Walls between the rooms, each door, floor and ceiling, neighbours above, below and on the side. All the sounds that happen within the boundaries and what sounds are foreign, coming from different places.

The moment where you connect to the outside world. Reading news, getting in touch with friends or strangers, reading, watching, listening. Passive or active connection to the world. Observer or active participant.

Restricting myself from certain movements or spending time on the floor, because of unpleasant interaction from my puppy. Which is also the same for certain behaviours pre-pandemic in public spaces. Creating a boundary for myself in order to avoid unpleasant interactions.

Many layers of clothes - keeps me warm, but makes it uncomfortable to move. Less layers, being cold while working. Physical unpleasant feeling due to temperature as a limen and solutions to fight it.